Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Organic Sunflower Seeds | Organic Sunflower Seeds Sprouting

Organic Sunflower Seeds. You think only sunflower seeds for snacks? Think again. Small seeds and powerhouses of nutrition and health value for large financial times of economic stress.

They are nutrient dense. Sunflower kernels associated with other nuts and foods rich in these compounds, sunflower seeds contain high levels of vitamin E, betaine, phenolic acids and choline. Is also a good source of arginine and lignans, selenium and magnesium. These nutrients offer many health benefits.

Vitamin E protects against heart disease, has anti-inflammatory effects, reducing the risk of colon cancer and relieve symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes. 
It also reduces the risk of diabetic complications. A quarter cup of sunflower seeds provides 90.5% of the daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin E.

Selenium is a mineral that aids in DNA repair and synthesis, inhibits the growth of cancer cells, and induce cancer cell death. 
A quarter cup of sunflower seeds provides 30.6% of the DV.

Another useful compound is magnesium. 
Its good for bone health and energy. This set of nerves and muscles. Eat a quarter cup of sunflower seeds for 31.9% of the DV of magnesium.

Financial sense. Today I compare the price per pound of raw organic sunflower seeds with organic almond oil and organic almond oil. Sunflower $ 3.69, $ 13.99 almonds, walnuts and $ 11.99.

Comparing food, sunflower seeds is much higher vitamin E and selenium, and higher in folate, iron and zinc, almonds and walnuts.

In tough economic times, getting the most value for your hard money is important. 
You may be expensive to get a good look at nutritional, economic sunflower seed to take.

They taste good. Not only makes sense to eat more sunflower seeds, because they have exceptional nutritional value and can afford to buy them, but they are also delicious.

In addition to their normal diet only, the sow enjoy their salads, grilled or raw. 
You can also plant the seeds and add them raw to salads. They are cooked or cold cereals are delicious. For a new taste sensation, try to throw in some pasta with sauce or pasta primavera. They offer a gentle cooking fun and crazy with the contrast of crunchy vegetables and noodles.

If you want to reduce cholesterol in your diet, this is a simple recipe for nondairy milk made from sunflower seeds. 
Blend together: sunflower seeds 1 / 4 cup oil 2 cups water, pinch of Celtic sea salt, 1 / 2 teaspoon maple syrup, vanilla extract 1/8-1/4 tsp. If you have a high power blender, it's probably all you need for milk, cream, delicious. If your blender is not strong enough, you have to mix to improve. This is a delicious drink in itself, as a base for smoothies, or poured over your morning cereal.

The next time your shopping, do not forget about the seeds of this amazing offer many nutritional and health benefits, easy on your budget and taste delicious.