Sunday, September 18, 2011

Organic Chia Seeds Benefits | Organic Chia Seeds In Bulk

Organic Chia Seeds Benefits. The truth about the latest fashion Seed

Chia seeds seems to be one health 'product' hottest at the moment and they are led to believe that they are the best of all the seeds are available, and magic in the body. Let's look at the facts. Chia seed is what they like?

Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA), in fact they are the most omega-3 seeds from each have 12% more than hemp. 
But that's not where the story ends. They have very little omega-6, and no matter what you've read or heard, your body needs both omega 3 and omega 6 in the right proportion. Chia seeds also contain calcium and magnesium.

However, if you are omega 3, chia seed said, your body balanced EFA's unique and then you suffer from a shortage of omega 6. 
The second argument that the EFA is called essential because you need from your diet - your body can not synthesize them as possible, with saturated fat and saturated fat alone. So if you are not from your diet, you will lose.

That's why you can not trust the whole chia seed omega - if you can 't depend on flax seeds or flax seed oil, although the second largest amount of omega-3.

Nuts can give you enough of each of the EFA?

Taking only the seeds, some chia or flax will not give you the amount of omega-3 you need unless you eat in large quantities, and the destruction of the first, making it difficult to find the optimal amount of both omega-3 fatty acids and omega 6 to obtain, 
from seeds only. This is why it is better to have a balanced mix of oil, both Omega 3 and Omega 6, to use certified organic seeds, and in proportion.

EFA hated element

One important thing to remember is that light there is no essential fatty acids, heat and oxygen and is damaged when exposed to the elements. 
So, if you do not know how the chia seed is saved after choosing, you may accidentally eat the fat molecules are broken, you will not benefit.

In addition, they continue to rack, not in the refrigerator, in most stores so that they can suffer more damage in there. 
Unfortunately, this problem is ignored, because most people do not realize the subtle nature of Omega 3, Omega 6 and grains, and oils.
What about pesticides?

Pesticides accumulate in fat, so if not organic chia seeds, you can contact hazard.These include flax seeds - in fact, any nuts or seeds, if not organic, contain pesticides.And pesticides should be avoided because they interfere with central nervous system (CNS) and disrupt the endocrine system, which is responsible for our hormones remain in top working condition.

How to roast the seeds important?

If the seed is very fine, and damaged when exposed to light, heat and oxygen, roast them and use them in breads, cakes will, cereal and baked products prepared are also damaging their programs.

It should go without saying that the purchase of land on the Chia seed is not a good idea, for reasons discussed so far.

How much Omega-3 can be obtained from the seeds is not broken?

Seeds (and nuts) enclosed in a hard outer covering to protect them from oxidative damage that would occur in the precious oily substance, they are exposed to light, heat and oxygen. 
This means that just swallowed them all will not provide the necessary nutrients (in this case EFA) is required. Because it has been damaged seeds get nutrients in them.

A specific test performed on Chia seed by the number of true metabolizable energy available to compare when they are broken vs. when you leave a whole. 
These results demonstrate the EFA as much when they are present in one form. If they collapse, they offer 4, 089 kilocalories per kilogram, the energy, whereas the unground and all of them only 693 calories. This is a significant difference, especially if you rely on seeds for omega-3 provides all your needs. They just can not in any need for EFA and they are strong, and they bought a mess, put them against oxidation.


Therefore, if you are organic Chia seeds are not exposed to excessive amounts of light or heat or oxygen, and stored in the refrigerator, use them sparingly, sprinkled on your salad, or sprinkle in your smoothie.

They enjoy a glass of water, after soaking overnight, when your digestive system needs a little clean-out, but you may need to eat with a spoon as they swell.

Do not take the seeds of chia seeds separate from the other, and they will not meet your needs for the trust of EFA. 
They are healthy, biologically, but they are not the solution 'magic' for all ills, and will not be supplying all your essential fatty acids in a balanced form, is needed for optimal health.