Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Organic Garden Pest Control | Organic Garden Fertilizer

Organic Garden Pest Control. I am an avid organic vegetable gardener. I am proud of my garden and produce all the vegetables for my family. Organic gardening has saved me money and my family is eating healthy. One problem is the bugs that eat my vegetables, I am. Find insecticides, natural organic gardening your garden clean of malicious vandals simple and easy.

Growing your own garden, organic useful, money and a healthy environment for our families and our environment. Protecting your garden plants eat insects with the same insecticide organic gardening important.There many ways we can get rid of this disaster with household items to get without causing damage, the family pet and your environment.

There are many items you have on hand will prevent pests in your garden and you can use as organic insecticides ....

Shells are a great way to avoid the snail. Destroy the shell and spread them around your plants and / or on the ground. Eggshells as a proportion of glass to a snail. Using the shell in your garden and there are no snails yet.

Detergents are other household items that you can use as a biological insecticide.Just mix with water and some detergent mix well. Spray the mixture will cripple you and eat your organic garden pest.

Garlic is a large garden organic insecticide, is actually called allium, a kind of bad football. You can crush your garlic, mixed with water and spray your plants. Spray your plants with a mixture of garlic to kill insect soft body and even reduce flying insects.

Find something a little stronger, but safe?

Some organic pesticides that you buy a safe environment for you and your family.

Natural garden insecticides made of Neem, which is used as one of the key ingredients for a natural insecticide. 
Remove from the neem tree and has a very low toxic insecticide. Please will destroy soft body insects and will also help improve your plant breeding.

Ladybugs Are You Count On Spots?

Every time I see the ladybug, I made a wish and count the dots on their backs! 
Ladybug most common of all beneficial insects, they are as beautiful as they are predators that eat aphids, chinch bugs, asparagus beetle larvae, thrips, beetles alfalfa, bean thrips, grape root worms, larvae of Colorado potato beetle, whitefly, and mites, and many other soft body insects and eggs. Very cost-effective, too!

Imagine living ladybug book .... 
but again, I had to order ants for my child's school project, you never know.