Monday, September 5, 2011

Organic Fungicide Recipe | Organic Fungicide Spray

Organic Fungicide Recipe. Make your own organic fungicide is much easier than you might think and you most likely everything you need at home. One of the reasons why I have own garden, a tonic is because I want to know what I will eat later. Most of the organic treatments can be used to improve the crop until harvest day without endangering the fruits or vegetables, even children. I know that many chemicals appear to work faster and sometimes it seems more effective than the organic varieties, but if I can save yourself a trip to the garden store, while I get my plants healthy and peace of mind, I 'I will. Plus, an organic fungicide is used only cheap to make!

When we get a rotten tomato leaves, this recipe saved some of our plants because I think there is absolutely no hope. I also painted most of our other plants in the park (especially melons, cucumbers, eggplant and grapes) that look like they were powder mildew fungus and other problems and they are looking for a better (and better produced) in a few days. For the best level of protection, install a new application for this solution to about once a week and especially after rain. In fact, if you want to make sure your plants do not get attacked by a fungus, you must regularly inject once you put them in the ground for something to attack. If you are fighting a very aggressive mold problems (like cancer), you should try to spray the plants every day. Spray plants in the morning or the end of the day when the sun is most powerful to prevent leaf burn. It's made of organic fungicides are also effective against anthrocnose, dew flower, rotten tomato early blight and leaf spot.

Organic fungicide

1 gallon of water
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 1 / 2 tablespoons vegetable oil


Pour ingredients into a large tin and shake well. Spray on plants that were attacked (upper and lower leaf). 
Continue to stir regularly to ensure that the materials that say well mixed.