Organic Mulch For Vegetable Garden. Organic mulches provide many benefits when placed in the flowers and vegetablegardens. A 2 "layer of mulch to prevent evaporation of moisture, so less water is neededat the best time to control weeds early before they bloom and develop their root systems.. Block Mulching much weed growth. The number of insects and other pests reduced.
Mulch acts as an insulator to protect the soil from extreme heat or cold until the layer ofmulch around your plants is a smart idea throughout the year. Plus, mulch made attractive ground cover. Mulch comes in many colors from brown to red to dark brown(depending on the source of wood). The size range of 1 / 4 "to 3".
Wood mulch cut various sizes, usually made from recycled wood trees and other materials. Depending on the mixture, may include abdominal buckwheat mulch of pine,redwood bark, twigs, pine, hops, ground corn cobs, sugar cane and cotton stomach.Avoid buying mulch hay, manure and straw. Weed species can contain.
Mulch that the wood will contain more nutrients and less slow decay. Soft mulch willprovide more food, but break quickly.
How to Lay Down Mulch
1) Apply 2 "to 4" layer of mulch on planting beds that have occurred. Let's 5-inch radiusaround each plant. Do not mulch over newly planted seeds that will prevent their growth.
2) Rake mulch every so often to reveal to the new mulch.
3) mulch breaks down over time. When only a thin layer left to add more.