Saturday, October 22, 2011

Organic Teas | Organic Teas For Plants

Organic Teas. And the more customers around the world demand for organically grown teas and other foods, and their tears "green" is heard and addressed to. Both large tea plantations, and those cows, switching to organic standards to grow their tea plants.

Organic tea strict set of rules, and if the government most of the rules and laws can be very complicated. In short, organic tea is defined as a tea to be grown without using chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbacides. Plants should only depend on natural organic substances such as manure, compost, and plants and trees that provide the necessary nutrients and ground cover.

Must show that just because tea is not officially certified as organic growth may not be automatically assumed to contain unhealthy chemicals and materials.

Although the current rules, the only organic tea cultivation dates back about ten years, many health conscious tea farmers and farm grown without pesticides, chemicals and plant tea for centuries.

After an ancient farming methods and the principles handed down by their ancestors and their ancestors ancestors, and the use of traditional methods and kept secret for centuries, known only to the farmers, they have changed from, organic tea bushes that are healthy in much the same way as they were for centuries. Property for their own code of ethics, health-conscious farmers are offered tea, which not only benefits users, but also land, air and water, to do their part to protect our planet.

Organic Certification
There are two categories in which the production of organic tea, tea became the first certified organic by one of international institutions. The second is what was discussed above, this tea is grown from the traditional method, in accordance with the principles of organic growth, but not officially activated by the certification body.

Tea, which is labeled "certified organic", has met at least one supervisor or the certification body for organic food production guidelines to be set.

For customers interested in maintaining good long-term health of self and environment, there is a system that recognizes the benefits and the quality and taste of organically grown tea. Although the cost of organic teas may be slightly higher, see the big picture, it's definitely worth every penny.

Community Rules-How to buy Organic Tea confirmation

United States - In the United States, organic certification is the responsibility of U. S. Department of Agriculture. According to the USDA, agricultural law known as the USDA's National Organic Program, or NOP was developed in 1990 and activated in 2002 (see seal or logo is marked NOP).

Under the National Organic Program (NOP), four levels of organic content in the certification:

1. 100% Organic
2. 95% or more organic
3. 70-90% organic
4. and less than 70% organic

All organic products to the right official USDA label and FOP.