Thursday, August 25, 2011

Definition Organic Food | Define Organic Foods

Definition Organic Food. Is organic beef? How should eat meat from cows raised and they have qualified for this kind of labeling? How should the type of meat is defined and determined?

U. S. Department of Agriculture has significantly reduced the definition of organicbeef alone. The new national rules that the beef must come from at least four months of livestock grazing on pasture. Furthermore, at least 30% of all animal feed will comefrom grazing. The new rules in June, however, manufacturers will have one year to fullycomply with new regulations.

Old rules are very loose and simply states that animals must have access to pastureand grazing have. The old rules do not restrict the type of feed or the amount of weeding. It is clear that the old rules leave a lot of latitude that beef producers must beutilized.

Why you should eat organic beef? Organic foods are grown without pesticides,hormones, antibiotics or biotechnology cloning. Added, cows in pastures leaner andhealthier than beef or corn grain fattened. Meat from animals that eat grass for one-third less fat than grain to eat. Grass-eating animals may also be omega-three 2-4 times more fatty acids, or "good fats". Omega three fatty acids have shown that anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Finally, grass-eating animals alsoshowed that vitamins, especially vitamin E. already

Buy organic beef and grind your own meat in a meat grinder. This will be the bestmeat ever.